
The Wybourn Masjid & Islamic Centre is a cornerstone of the Muslim community in Sheffield

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About Us

Welcome to the Baitul Mukaram Jamia Masjid & Islamic Culture Centre

In The Name Of Allah
The Beneficent The Merciful

The Baitul Mukaram Jamia Masjid & Islamic Culture Centre is a cornerstone of the Muslim community in Sheffield, and with your generous contributions, we aim to create a permanent home that goes beyond being a place of worship. This revitalized space will serve as a hub for education, community engagement, and cultural enrichment for Muslims in Sheffield and the surrounding areas.

Our Vision

Empowering Hearts, Enriching Souls, Embracing Diversity

Our Mission

Nurturing Faith, Building Bridges, Serving Humanity

Islamic Scholars Who Gave Us Modern Philosophy

Islamic Scholars

62 Diverse

Community with over 62 different nationalities represented.

12 K Growing

Over 1,2000 men and women attend the weekly Jumma prayer service.

80 % People

80 percent of our community is Following Islam Religion.